Who are we?

The address of our website is:https://rupertoextremera.com.

Information about our company:

Fiscal Name: RUPEX FASHION, S.L.

CIF: B72938426


Postal address: Urbanización Loma de las joyas 9-2 B  Código postal 29680 Estepona Málaga

Telephone: 606 402 516

Email: info@rupertoextremera.com



What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Finalidad Mas información 

1. To manage your registration as a user of the Platform

In case you decide to register as a user on our Platform, we need to process your data to identify you as a user of it and give you access to its different functionalities, products and services that are available to you as a registered user. You can cancel your registered user account by contacting us through Customer Service.

2. For the development, fulfilment and execution of the contract of sale or services that you have contracted with Us on the Platform

This purpose includes the processing of your data for, mainly:


Contact you in relation to updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, products or services contracted, including sending quality surveys on the products or services provided.


Manage the payment of the products you buy, regardless of the payment method used. For example:


If when purchasing any of our products through the Web, you choose to activate the functionality of saving your card data for future purchases (in case this functionality is available), we need to treat the data indicated for the activation and development of said functionality. The consent for the activation of this functionality allows your autocompleted payment data to appear in subsequent purchases so that you do not have to re-enter them in each new process, and they will be understood to be valid and valid for subsequent purchases.


Activate the necessary mechanisms in order to prevent and detect the misuse of the Platform, for example, during the purchase and return process, as well as potential frauds against you and/or against Us. If we consider that the operation can be fraudulent or we detect abnormal behaviour with indications of fraudulent uses of our functionalities, products and services, this treatment may have consequences such as blocking the transaction or the cancellation of your user account.


Manage possible changes or returns once you have made a purchase and manage requests for information about the availability of garments, product reservations through the Platform, according to these options are available at all times.


For billing purposes and to make available to you the tickets and invoices of the purchases you have made on the Platform.

3. To meet the requests or requests you make through the Customer Service channels

We only process personal data that is strictly necessary to manage or resolve your request or request.


If you use the telephone channel, the call can be recorded to fulfil your request and guarantee its quality.


If you decide to use WhatsApp as a channel to contact Customer Service, we will provide your phone number to WhatsApp Inc. to verify that you are a user of this service. We recommend that you review your privacy settings and read WhatsApp’s privacy policy for more detailed information about WhatsApp’s use of the personal data of users who use its services.

4. For marketing purposes

This purpose includes the processing of your data for, mainly:


▪ To the extent that you subscribe to our Newsletter, we will process your personal data to manage your subscription, including sending personalised information about our products or services through various means (such as email or SMS).


▪ Therefore, keep in mind that this data processing involves the analysis of your user or customer profile to determine what your preferences are and therefore what may be the products and services that best fit your style when sending you information.

5. Useability and quality analysis for the improvement of our services

If you access our Platform, we inform you that we will process your browsing data for analytical and statistical purposes, that is, to understand the way in which users interact with our Platform and with the actions that we can carry out on other websites and thus be able to introduce improvements.


Likewise, sometimes we carry out quality actions and surveys aimed at knowing the degree of satisfaction of our customers and users and detecting those areas in which we can improve.



In compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, this website informs you, in this section, about the policy of collection and treatment of cookies.


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognise the user.


This website uses the following types of cookies:

Analysis cookies:They are those that are well treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by the users of the service offered. To do this, your browsing on our website is analysed in order to improve the offer of products or services that we offer you.

Technical cookies: They are those that allow the user to navigate through the restricted area and use its different functions, such as taking the purchase process of an item in exchange.

Personalisation cookies: They are those that allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria in the user’s terminal, such as the language or type of browser through which you connect to the service.

Advertising cookies: They are those that, well treated by this website or by third parties, allow you to manage in the most effective way the offer of the advertising spaces that are on the website, adapting the content of the ad to the content of the requested service or the use you make of our website. To do this, we can analyse your browsing habits on the Internet and we can show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

Behavioural advertising cookies: They are those that allow the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the publisher has included in a web page, application or platform from which it provides the requested service. This type of cookies store information on the behaviour of visitors obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows developing a specific profile to show advertisements based on it.


You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer.

In most web browsers, the possibility of allowing, blocking or deleting the cookies installed on your computer is offered.

Below you can access the settings of the most frequent web browsers to accept, install or disable cookies:

Configurar cookies en Google Chrome

Configurar cookies en Microsoft Internet Explorer

Configurar cookies en Mozilla Firefox

Configurar cookies en Safari (Apple)


This website uses third-party services to collect information for statistical purposes and use of the website. DoubleClick cookies are used to improve the advertising included on the website. They are used to target advertising according to the content that is relevant to a user, thus improving the quality of experience in its use.

Specifically, we use Google Adsense and Google Analytics services for our statistics and advertising. Some cookies are essential for the operation of the site, for example the built-in browser.

Our site includes other features provided by third parties. You can easily share the content on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google +, with the buttons that we have included for that purpose.


You can delete and block all cookies from this site, but part of the site will not work or the quality of the website may be affected.

If you have any questions about our cookie policy, you can contact this website through our Contact channels.

If you leave a comment on our site you can choose to save your name, email address and web in cookies. This is for your convenience, so you don’t have to fill in your data again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you have an account and you connect to this site, we will install a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie does not contain personal data and is deleted when you close the browser.

When you access, we will also install several cookies to save your access information and your screen display options. Access cookies last two days, and screen options cookies last one year. If you select “Remember me”, your access will last for two weeks. If you log out of your account, access cookies will be deleted.


If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not include personal data and simply indicates the ID of the item you have just edited. It expires after 1 day.


Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (for example, videos, images, articles, etc.). The embedded content of other websites behaves in exactly the same way as if the visitor had visited the other website.


These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with embedded content if you have an account and are connected to that website.



Con quién compartimos tus datos

Para cumplir las finalidades indicadas en la presente Política de Privacidad y Cookies, es necesario que demos acceso a tus datos personales a entidades de nuestra empresa y a terceras partes que nos presten apoyo en los servicios que te ofrecemos, a saber:

  • Entidades financieras,
  • entidades de detección y prevención de fraude,
  • proveedores de servicios tecnológicos y analítica,
  • proveedores y colaboradores de servicios de logística, transporte y entrega, y/o establecimientos colaboradores de los mismos.
  • proveedores de servicios relacionados con atención al cliente.
  • proveedores y colaboradores de servicios relacionados con marketing y publicidad, como redes sociales, agencias de publicidad o colaboradores publicitarios.


Cuánto tiempo conservamos tus datos


El plazo de conservación de tus datos dependerá de las finalidades para las que los tratemos, según lo explicado a continuación:

Finalidad Plazo de conservación

1. Gestionar tu registro como usuario de la Plataforma

Trataremos tus datos durante el tiempo en que mantengas la condición de usuario registrado (es decir, hasta que decidas darte de baja).

2. Desarrollo, cumplimiento y ejecución del contrato de compraventa o servicios

Trataremos tus datos durante el tiempo necesario para gestionar la compra de los productos o servicios que hayas adquirido, incluyendo posibles devoluciones, quejas o reclamaciones asociadas a la compra del producto o servicio en particular.

En algunas ocasiones, únicamente trataremos los datos hasta el momento en que tú decidas, como es el caso de los datos de pago (tarjeta) que nos has solicitado almacenar para posibles compras futuras (en caso de que esté disponible esta funcionalidad).

3. Atención al Cliente

Trataremos tus datos durante el tiempo que sea necesario para atender tu solicitud o petición.

4. Marketing

Trataremos tus datos hasta que te des de baja o canceles tu suscripción a la newsletter.

Así mismo, te mostraremos publicidad personalizada hasta que configures tu dispositivo móvil o navegador de manera que revoques tu consentimiento.

5. Análisis de usabilidad y de calidad

Trataremos tus datos puntualmente durante el tiempo en el que procedamos a realizar una acción o encuesta de calidad concreta o hasta que anonimicemos tus datos de navegación.

Independientemente de tratemos tus datos durante el tiempo estrictamente necesario para cumplir con la finalidad correspondiente, los conservaremos posteriormente debidamente guardados y protegidos durante el tiempo en que pudieran surgir responsabilidades derivadas del tratamiento, en cumplimiento con la normativa vigente en cada momento. Una vez prescriban las posibles acciones en cada caso, procederemos a la supresión de los datos personales.


Qué derechos tienes sobre tus datos

Si tienes una cuenta o has dejado comentarios en esta web, puedes solicitar recibir un archivo de exportación de los datos personales que tenemos sobre ti, incluyendo cualquier dato que nos hayas proporcionado. También puedes solicitar que eliminemos cualquier dato personal que tengamos sobre ti. Esto no incluye ningún dato que estemos obligados a conservar con fines administrativos, legales o de seguridad.


Dónde enviamos tus datos

Los comentarios de los visitantes puede que los revise un servicio de detección automática de spam.



Es posible que modifiquemos la información contenida en esta Política de Privacidad y Cookies cuando lo estimemos conveniente. En caso de que lo hagamos, te lo notificaremos por distintas vías a través de la Plataforma (por ejemplo, a través de un banner, un pop-up o una notificación push), o incluso te lo comunicaremos a tu dirección de correo electrónico cuando el cambio en cuestión sea significativo para con tu privacidad, de manera que puedas revisar los cambios, valorarlos y, en su caso, oponerte o darte de baja en algún servicio o funcionalidad.

En cualquier caso, te sugerimos que revises esta Política de Privacidad y Cookies de vez en cuando por si hubiera cambios menores o introducimos alguna mejora interactiva, aprovechando que siempre la encontrarás como punto permanente de información en nuestra Web.